Minor in MEIS
24 Units
The minor in Middle East and Islamic Studies requires six classes or 24 units for completion. Two of these are required and may be selected from the “Required Courses” section below. The remainder are elective courses (see “Elective Courses). Courses related to the study of the Middle East, Islam, or Islamic cultures may be petitioned for credit.
Select 2 (two) from the required courses (8 units):
- AHS 013: Arts and Architecture of the Islamic World
- AHS 125: Illustrations and Illuminations: the Arts of the Book in the Islamic World
- ANTH 189/GSST 168: Gender and Power in Muslim Societies
- GBST/ANTH 169: From the Maghreb to the Middle East (ANTH 169)
- ARLC 155/CPLT 155/MEIS 155/RLST 157: Introduction to Arabic Literature and Cultures
- GSST 162/RLST 162: Women’s Issues in Modern Muslim Thought
- HST 121: Survey of Middle Eastern History, 1200-1798
- HIST 122: Modern Middle Eastern History, 1798- 1935
- HIST 124: Women in the Middle East – Islamic History
- HIST 125: Islam and Revolution in Iran
- HIST 126: Istanbul in History and Fiction
- RLST 111: Islam
- RLST 113: Topics in Modern Islam
- GSST 168: Gender and Power in Muslim Societies
Select 4 (four) from the elective course (16 units)
Arabic Literatures and Cultures
- ARLC 120: Classical Arabic Literary Prose
- ARLC/CPLT 151: Palestine/Algeria
- ARLC/CPLT 152: Modern Arabic Poetry in a Multilingual Frame
- ARLC 154/CPLT: 154/PHIL 128: Introduction to Arabic Philosophy
- ARLC/CPLT 156: Jews and Arab
- ARLC/CPLT/MEIS/RLST 158: Islam and Psychoanalyses
- ANTH 136/SEAS 136: Anthropological Perspectives of Gender in Southeast Asia
- ANTH 140I: Ethnographic Interpretations: Cultures of Southeast Asia
Art History
- AHS 125: Illustrations and Illuminations: The Arts of the Book in the Islamic World
- AHS 126: Sultans and Saints: The Visual and Material Culture of Islam in South Asia
Asian Studies
- AST/CPLT 167: Postcolonial Literature and Criticism in Southeast Asia and South Asia
Comparative Literature and Languages
- CPLT 153: Literature, Language, Relation
Gender and Sexuality Studies
- GSST 151: Islam, Women, and the State
GSST 162/RLST: Women's Issues in Modern Muslim Thought
Hispanic Studies
- SPN 193 Senior Seminar in the Literatures and Cultures of the Hispanic World
- HIST 128 Iran through Literature and Cinema
Religious Studies
- RLST 112: Islam in America
- RLST 113: Topics in Modern Islam
- RLST 116: Religion and Violence
- RLST 126: Israel: the Jewish State
- RLST 148: Religions of the Silk Road
- RLST 149: Southeast Asian Religions
- RLST 150: Islam in Southeast Asia
- RLST 15: 1 Reading the Qur'an
- RLST 155/PHIL 155: Peace in the Middle East
Theatre, Film and Digital Production
- TFDP 191J: Staging the Middle East